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The DisconnectOptions class provides options for a disconnect call made with DisconnectAsync.


  • DisconnectOptions(): Initializes a new instance of the DisconnectOptions class with defaults.


  • ReasonCode: Gets or sets the reason code for the disconnection. The default value is NormalDisconnection.
  • SessionExpiry: Gets or sets the session expiry in seconds. This sets the expiration for the session to the indicated value.
    • Example: SessionExpiry = 3600 sets the session to expire in 1 hour.
  • ReasonString: Gets or sets the reason string for the disconnection. This is a human-readable string used for diagnostics only.
    • Example: ReasonString = "Device power save mode."
  • UserProperties: Gets or sets the user properties for the disconnection. This is a dictionary of key-value pairs.
    • Example: UserProperties = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "device-id", "xrw02k-224a" }, { "TZ", "CEST" } } sets the user properties to include in the disconnect call.


DisconnectOptions disconnectOptions = new DisconnectOptions();
disconnectOptions.ReasonCode = DisconnectReasonCode.NormalDisconnection;
disconnectOptions.SessionExpiry = 3600;
disconnectOptions.ReasonString = "Device power save mode";
disconnectOptions.UserProperties = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "device-id", "xrw02k-224a" }, { "TZ", "CEST" } };

await client.DisconnectAsync(disconnectOptions);