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Lifecycle Events

The HiveMQ client offers a comprehensive set of built-in lifecycle events that empower users to seamlessly integrate with every aspect of the client's operation. These events serve as hooks, enabling developers to customize behavior, closely monitor activity, and extend the functionality of the client to suit their specific requirements.

By leveraging these events, developers can dynamically modify the client's behavior at various stages of its lifecycle. Whether it's intercepting incoming or outgoing messages, performing custom authentication or authorization logic, or implementing advanced monitoring and logging capabilities, the event system provides a powerful mechanism for fine-grained control and extensibility.

These events cover a wide range of scenarios, including connection establishment and termination, message publishing and reception, subscription management, error handling, and more. By tapping into these events, developers can seamlessly integrate their own code and business logic into the client's workflow, enabling them to build robust and tailored MQTT applications that align perfectly with their unique use cases.