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Publishing Messages

In MQTT, "publish" is an operation that allows an MQTT client to send a message to an MQTT broker, which then distributes the message to all subscribed clients interested in the topic of the message.


Use the PublishAsync method to publish a payload to the desired topic by providing the topic string and payload as parameters.

var publishResult = await client.PublishAsync("topic1/example", "Hello Payload")

Optionally, you can specify the desired quality of service (QoS) level for the publish. By default, the QoS level is set to QualityOfService.AtMostOnceDelivery.

using HiveMQtt.MQTT5.Types; // For the QualityOfService enum

var publishResult = await client.PublishAsync("topic1/example", "Hello Payload", QualityOfService.ExactlyOnceDelivery)

With Options

The PublishMessageBuilder class provides a convenient way to construct MQTT publish messages with various options and properties. It allows you to customize the topic, payload, quality of service (QoS) level, retain flag, and other attributes of the message.

var publishMessage = new PublishMessageBuilder().
WithPayload("{'HiveMQ': '👍'}").

await client.PublishAsync(publishMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);

By using PublishMessageBuilder, you can easily construct MQTT publish messages with the desired properties and options. It provides a fluent and intuitive way to customize the topic, payload, QoS level, retain flag, and other attributes of the message.

PublishMessagebuilder Reference

To illustrate each and every possible call with PublishMessageBuilder, see the following example:

var publishMessage = new PublishMessageBuilder()
.WithPayload("Hello, HiveMQtt!")
.WithUserProperty("property1", "value1")
.WithUserProperties(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "property1", "value1" }, { "property2", "value2" } });
.WithSubscriptionIdentifiers(1, 2, 3)


The MQTT5PublishMessage class represents the entirety of a publish message in MQTT. If you construct this class directly, you can access all of the MQTT publish options such as Retain, PayloadFormatIndicator, UserProperties and so forth.

var message = new MQTT5PublishMessage
Topic = topic,
Payload = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(payload),
QoS = qos,

message.Retain = True
message.UserProperties.Add("Client-Geo", "-33.8688, 151.2093");

var result = await client.PublishAsync(message);

For the full details, see the source code on MQTT5PublishMessage.

Return Value of Publish: PublishResult

The PublishAsync method in the HiveMQtt client library returns an instance of the PublishResult class. This object provides detailed information about the outcome of the publish operation.

Quality of Service (QoS) and PublishResult

The information contained in the PublishResult object varies depending on the Quality of Service (QoS) level used for the publish operation.

  • QoS Level 0 (QualityOfService.AtMostOnceDelivery): This level is often referred to as "fire-and-forget". It does not provide any acknowledgement of delivery, and as such, the PublishResult object does not contain any meaningful information.

  • QoS Level 1 (QualityOfService.AtLeastOnceDelivery): This level ensures that the message is delivered at least once. The PublishResult object for this QoS level contains a QoS1ReasonCode property, which provides information about the outcome of the publish operation.

  • QoS Level 2 (QualityOfService.ExactlyOnceDelivery): This level ensures that the message is delivered exactly once. The PublishResult object for this QoS level contains a QoS2ReasonCode property, which provides information about the outcome of the publish operation.

Retrieving the Reason Code

For convenience, the PublishResult class provides a ReasonCode method. This method automatically retrieves the appropriate reason code (QoS1ReasonCode or QoS2ReasonCode) based on the QoS level of the publish operation. This allows you to easily access the outcome of the publish operation without having to check the QoS level manually.

See Also