📄️ Automatic Reconnect
The HiveMQtt MQTT library provides an automatic reconnect functionality that allows the client to automatically reconnect to the MQTT broker in case of a disconnection. This feature is disabled by default.
📄️ HiveMQClientOptions
The HiveMQClientOptions class provides options for configuring the HiveMQ MQTT client.
📄️ HiveMQClientOptionsBuilder
The HiveMQClientOptionsBuilder class is a builder pattern implementation that provides a convenient way to construct HiveMQClientOptions objects for configuring HiveMQClient connections to an MQTT broker.
📄️ ConnectOptions
The ConnectOptions class provides options for a connect call made with ConnectAsync. These options can override settings that were originally set in HiveMQClientOptions.
📄️ ConnectOptionsBuilder
The ConnectOptionsBuilder class is a builder pattern implementation that provides a convenient way to construct ConnectOptions objects for configuring connect behavior in HiveMQtt client applications.
📄️ DisconnectOptions
The DisconnectOptions class provides options for a disconnect call made with DisconnectAsync.
📄️ DisconnectOptionsBuilder
The DisconnectOptionsBuilder class is a builder pattern implementation that provides a convenient way to construct DisconnectOptions objects for configuring disconnect behavior in HiveMQtt client applications.
📄️ LastWillAndTestament
The LastWillAndTestament class represents a Last Will and Testament message in the MQTT protocol. This message is sent by the broker on behalf of a client if the client disconnects unexpectedly. It contains details such as the topic, payload, Quality of Service (QoS), and other optional properties.
📄️ LastWillAndTestamentBuilder
The LastWillAndTestamentBuilder class provides a fluent API for constructing instances of LastWillAndTestament. It allows you to set various properties for creating a Last Will and Testament message, such as the topic, payload, Quality of Service (QoS), and additional metadata.
📄️ MQTT5PublishMessage
The MQTT5PublishMessage class represents an MQTT 5 publish message. This class provides various properties and methods for defining the message details, such as the topic, payload, Quality of Service (QoS), and additional metadata.
📄️ PublishMessageBuilder
The PublishMessageBuilder class is a builder for constructing MQTT 5 publish messages in the HiveMQ client.
📄️ SubscribeOptions
The SubscribeOptions class is used to define options for subscribing to topics in the HiveMQ MQTT client. It allows you to specify topic filters, user properties, subscription identifiers, and handlers for processing messages.
📄️ SubscribeOptionsBuilder
The SubscribeOptionsBuilder class provides a fluent API for constructing SubscribeOptions instances in the HiveMQ MQTT client. It allows you to define topic subscriptions, user properties, and handlers in a structured way.
📄️ UnsubscribeOptions
The UnsubscribeOptions class defines the options for unsubscribing from topics in the HiveMQ MQTT client. This class allows you to specify the subscriptions to remove and include additional user properties for metadata.
📄️ UnsubscribeOptionsBuilder
The UnsubscribeOptionsBuilder class provides a fluent API for constructing UnsubscribeOptions instances in the HiveMQ MQTT client. This builder allows you to define which subscriptions to remove and to include additional user properties.