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Automatic Reconnect

The HiveMQtt MQTT library provides an automatic reconnect functionality that allows the client to automatically reconnect to the MQTT broker in case of a disconnection. This feature is disabled by default.


var options = new HiveMQClientOptionsBuilder()

// Create a new client with the configured options
var client = new HiveMQttClient(options);

Backoff Strategy

The automatic reconnect functionality uses a backoff strategy to attempt to reconnect to the MQTT broker periodically until success. The backoff strategy starts with a delay of 5 seconds and doubles the delay with each failed attempt, up to a maximum of 1 minute.

Maximum Attempts

The backoff strategy will attempt to reconnect a maximum of once per minute. The client will attempt to reconnect indefinitely until successful.


The automatic reconnect functionality a convenient way to handle disconnections from the MQTT broker. Users can also use the OnConnect event handler to add custom logic when the client successfully reconnects to the MQTT broker.