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Broker Test

Runs tests against the specified broker to find out its features and limitations.

mqtt test

By default, the test command will use MQTT 3 clients to test the broker first and will afterward check the connect restrictions returned by a connect of a MQTT 5 client. You can alter this behavior by specifying different options when using the command.


$ mqtt test -h
    - Maximum topic length: 65535 bytes
    - QoS 0: Received 10/10 publishes in 47,59ms
    - QoS 1: Received 10/10 publishes in 68,87ms
    - QoS 2: Received 10/10 publishes in 43,18ms
    - Retain: OK
    - Wildcard subscriptions: OK
    - Shared subscriptions: OK
    - Payload size: >= 100000 bytes
    - Maximum client id length: 65535 bytes
    - Unsupported Ascii Chars: ALL SUPPORTED
    - Connect restrictions: 
        > Retain: OK
        > Wildcard subscriptions: OK
        > Shared subscriptions: OK
        > Subscription identifiers: OK
        > Maximum QoS: 2
        > Receive maximum: 10
        > Maximum packet size: 268435460 bytes
        > Topic alias maximum: 5
        > Session expiry interval: Client-based
        > Server keep alive: Client-based


OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-V--mqttVersionThe MQTT version to test the broker on.Both versions will be tested
-a--allPerform all tests for all MQTT versions.false (Only test MQTT 3)
-t--timeOutThe time to wait for the broker to respond (in seconds).10
-q--qosTriesThe amount of messages to send and receive from the broker for each QoS level.10

Connect Options

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-h--hostThe MQTT host.localhost
-p--portThe MQTT port.1883

Security Options

Credentials Authentication

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-u--userDefine the username for authentication. 
-pw--passwordDefine the password for authentication directly.
If left blank the user will be prompted for the password in the console.
-pw:env Define that the password for authentication is read in from an environment variable.MQTT_CLI_PW if the option is specified without a value
-pw:file Define the path to a file from which the password is read from. 

TLS Authentication

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-s--secureWhether a default (properties file) TLS configuration is used.false
 --cafile, --ca-cert, --server-certThe path to the file containing a trusted CA certificate, to enable encrypted certificate based communication. 
 --capath, --ca-cert-dir, --server-cert-dirThe path to the directory containing trusted CA certificates, to enable encrypted certificate based communication. 
 --cert, --client-certThe path to the client certificate to use for client-side authentication. 
 --key, --client-private-keyThe path to the corresponding private key for the given client certificate. 
 --keypw, --client-private-key-passwordThe password for the client private key. 
 --ks, --keystoreThe path to the client keystore for client side authentication. 
 --kspw, --keystore-passwordThe password for the keystore. 
 --kspkpw, --keystore-private-key-passwordThe password for the private key inside the keystore. 
 --ts, --truststoreThe path to the client truststore, to enable encrypted certificate based communication. 
 --tspw, --truststore-passwordThe password for the truststore. 
 --ciphersThe supported cipher suites in IANA string format concatenated by the ‘:’ character, if more than one cipher should be supported.
See IANA Format for supported cipher suite strings.
 --tls-versionThe TLS version to use - TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3.TLSv1.2

Logging Options

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-l Log to ~./mqtt-cli/logs (Configurable through ~/.mqtt-cli/

Help Options

OptionLong VersionExplanation
 --helpDisplay help message for command.
 --versionDisplay version information of the cli.

Further Examples

Perform tests for MQTT 5 only

$ mqtt test -h -a -V 5
    - Connect restrictions: 
        > Retain: OK
        > Wildcard subscriptions: OK
        > Shared subscriptions: OK
        > Subscription identifiers: OK
        > Maximum QoS: 2
        > Receive maximum: 10
        > Maximum packet size: 268435460 bytes
        > Topic alias maximum: 5
        > Session expiry interval: Client-based
        > Server keep alive: Client-based
    - Maximum topic length: 65535 bytes
    - QoS 0: Received 10/10 publishes in 52,70ms
    - QoS 1: Received 10/10 publishes in 79,95ms
    - QoS 2: Received 10/10 publishes in 125,65ms
    - Retain: OK
    - Wildcard subscriptions: OK
    - Shared subscriptions: OK
    - Payload size: >= 100000 bytes
    - Maximum client id length: 65535 bytes
    - Unsupported Ascii Chars: ALL SUPPORTED

Test receiving of 100 publishes in 10s (for each qos level)

$ mqtt test -h -q 100 
    - QoS 0: Received 100/100 publishes in 123,44ms
    - QoS 1: Received 100/100 publishes in 223,78ms
    - QoS 2: Received 100/100 publishes in 340,81ms

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