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Subscribes a client to one or more topics. If the Subscribe command is not called in Shell-Mode, it will block the console and write the received publishes to the console.

$ mqtt subscribe

Alias: $ mqtt sub

Simple Examples

mqtt sub -t topicSubscribe to a topic with default settings and block the console.
mqtt sub -t test1 -t test2Subscribe to the topics ‘test1’ and ‘test2’ with default settings and block the console.
mqtt sub -t test -h localhost -p 1884Subscribe to topic ‘test’ at a broker with the address ‘localhost:1884’.


Subscribe Options

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-t--topicThe MQTT topic the client will subscribe to. 
-q--qosDefine the quality of service level. If only one QoS is specified it will be used for all topics.
You can define a specific QoS level for every topic. The corresponding QoS levels will be matched in order to the given topics.
 --output-to-fileAppend the received publish messages to a file. Creates the file if it does not exist. 
 --base64Whether the received publish messages will be base64 encoded.false
-J--json-outputPrint the received publishes in pretty JSON format.false
-T--show-topicsPrepend the specific topic name to the received publish.false
 --user-propertyA user property of the subscribe message. 

Connect Options

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-h--hostThe MQTT host.localhost
-p--portThe MQTT port.1883
-V--mqttVersionThe MQTT version can be set to 3 or 5.5
-i--identifierA unique client identifier can be defined.A randomly generated UTF-8 String.
-ip--identifierPrefixThe prefix for randomly generated client identifiers, if no identifier is given.mqttClient
-c--[no-]cleanStartWhether the client should start a clean session.true
k--keepAliveThe keep alive of the client (in seconds).60
-se--sessionExpiryIntervalThe session expiry value in seconds.0 (Instant Expiry)
-Cup--connectUserPropertyA user property of the connect message. 
-ws Use WebSocket transport protocol.false
-ws:path The path to the WebSocket located at the given broker host. 

Will Options

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-Wd--willDelayIntervalWill delay interval in seconds.0
-We--willMessageExpiryIntervalLifetime of the will message in seconds.
Can be disabled by setting it to 4_294_967_295.
4_294_967_295 (Disabled)
-Wm--willPayloadPayload of the will message. 
-Wq--willQualityOfServiceQoS level of the will message.0
-Wr--willRetainRetain the will message.false
-Wt--willTopicTopic of the will message. 
-Wcd--willCorrelationDataCorrelation data of the will message. 
-Wct--willContentTypeDescription of the will message’s content. 
-Wpf--willPayloadFormatIndicatorPayload format can be explicitly specified as UTF8 else it may be UNSPECIFIED. 
-Wrt--willResponseTopicTopic name for a response message. 
-Wup--willUserPropertiesA user property of the will message. 

Connect Restrictions

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
 --rcvMaxThe maximum amount of not acknowledged publishes with QoS 1 or 2 the client accepts from the server concurrently.65535
 --sendMaxThe maximum amount of not acknowledged publishes with QoS 1 or 2 the client sends to the server concurrently.65535
 --maxPacketSizeThe maximum packet size the client accepts from the server.268435460
 --sendMaxPacketSizeThe maximum packet size the client sends to the server.268435460
 --topicAliasMaxThe maximum amount of topic aliases the client accepts from the server.0
 --sendTopicAliasMaxThe maximum amount of topic aliases the client sends to the server.16
 --[no-]reqProblemInfoThe client requests problem information from the server.true
 --reqResponseInfoThe client requests response information from the server.false

Security Options

Credentials Authentication

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-u--userDefine the username for authentication. 
-pw--passwordDefine the password for authentication directly.
If left blank the user will be prompted for the password in the console.
-pw:env Define that the password for authentication is read in from an environment variable.MQTT_CLI_PW if the option is specified without a value
-pw:file Define the path to a file from which the password is read from. 

TLS Authentication

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-s--secureWhether a default (properties file) TLS configuration is used.false
 --cafile, --ca-cert, --server-certThe path to the file containing a trusted CA certificate, to enable encrypted certificate based communication. 
 --capath, --ca-cert-dir, --server-cert-dirThe path to the directory containing trusted CA certificates, to enable encrypted certificate based communication. 
 --cert, --client-certThe path to the client certificate to use for client-side authentication. 
 --key, --client-private-keyThe path to the corresponding private key for the given client certificate. 
 --keypw, --client-private-key-passwordThe password for the client private key. 
 --ks, --keystoreThe path to the client keystore for client side authentication. 
 --kspw, --keystore-passwordThe password for the keystore. 
 --kspkpw, --keystore-private-key-passwordThe password for the private key inside the keystore. 
 --ts, --truststoreThe path to the client truststore, to enable encrypted certificate based communication. 
 --tspw, --truststore-passwordThe password for the truststore. 
 --ciphersThe supported cipher suites in IANA string format concatenated by the ‘:’ character, if more than one cipher should be supported.
See IANA Format for supported cipher suite strings.
 --tls-versionThe TLS version to use - TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3.TLSv1.2

Logging Options

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-l Log to ~./mqtt-cli/logs (Configurable through ~/.mqtt-cli/

Debug Options

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-d--debugPrint debug messages to the console.false
-v--verbosePrint trace messages to the console.false

Help Options

OptionLong VersionExplanation
 --helpDisplay help message for command.
 --versionDisplay version information of the cli.

Further Examples

Subscribe to one topic with QoS level Exactly Once.

NOTE: If you specify one QoS and multiple topics, the QoS will be used for all topics.

mqtt sub -t topic1 -t topic2 -q 2  

Subscribe to the given topics with a specific QoS for each topic. (topic1 will have QoS 0, topic2 QoS 1 and topic3 QoS 2)

mqtt sub -t topic1 -q 0 -t topic2 -q 1 -t topic3 -q 2

Subscribe to a topic and output the received publish messages to the file publishes.log in the current directory.

NOTE: The MQTT CLI creates the file if it does not exist. Received publish messages will be appended.

mqtt sub -t topic -of publishes.log

Subscribe to a topic and output the received publish messages to the file publishes.log in a specified /usr/local/var directory.

NOTE: The MQTT CLI creates the file if it does not exist. Received publish messages will be appended.

mqtt sub -t topic -of /usr/local/var/publishes.log

Subscribe to a topic and output all the received messages in base64 encoding.

mqtt sub -t topic -b64

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