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The export command of the HiveMQ command line offers a set of commands to export various resources from a HiveMQ API endpoint.

mqtt hivemq export


clientsSee Export Client Details


Help Options

OptionLong VersionExplanation
-h--helpDisplay help message for command.
-V--versionDisplay version information of the cli.

Export Client Details

Export client details from a HiveMQ node via the export clients command.

mqtt hivemq export clients

Simple Example

$ mqtt hivemq export clients 

Exporting client details: ...
Successfully exported x client details to hivemq_client_details_2020-07-30-11:06:24.csv

NOTE: The execution of this command may take a while. Expect an export of 100.000 client details to take at least several minutes depending on the chosen rate limit.


OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-url The URL of the HiveMQ API endpoint.http://localhost:8888
-f--fileThe file to write the output to.If no file is specified a new file is created in the current directory.
-r--rateThe rate limit of the rest calls to the HiveMQ API endpoint in requests per second.1500
 --formatThe export output format. (Currently supported formats [csv])csv
 --csvSeparator=The separator for csv export.,
 --csvQuoteCharThe quote character for csv export."
 --csvEscCharThe escape character for csv export."
 --csvLineEndCharThe line-end character for csv export.\n

Logging Options

OptionLong VersionExplanationDefault
-l Log to ~./mqtt-cli/logs (Configurable through ~/.mqtt-cli/

Help Options

OptionLong VersionExplanation
-h--helpDisplay help message for command.
-V--versionDisplay version information of the cli.