The schema command of the HiveMQ command line offers a set of commands to work with schemas using a HiveMQ Data Hub API endpoint.
NOTE: The HiveMQ Data Hub is a new product in the HiveMQ platform and commands using it may be subject to breaking changes in the future.
Help Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation |
-h | --help | Display help message for command. |
-V | --version | Display version information of the cli. |
Create Schema
Create a new schema and upload it to a HiveMQ node. The schema definition may be provided either directly from the command line or from a file.
mqtt hivemq schema create
Simple Example
mqtt hivemq schema create --id my-schema-id --type PROTOBUF --file my-schema.desc --message-type Message
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Default | Required |
-i | --id | The id of the schema to be created. | | X |
| --type | The type of the schema. (Currently supported schema types [JSON , PROTOBUF ]) | | X |
| --definition | The definition of the schema. This should be a JSON Schema string for ‘–type JSON’ or a compiled Protobuf descriptor for ‘–type PROTOBUF’. | | Either --definition or --file , but not both |
| --file | A path to a file containing the definition of the schema. | | Either --definition or --file , but not both |
| --message-type | Only used with ‘–type PROTOBUF’. The Protobuf message type to use for the schema. | | When type is PROTOBUF |
| --allow-unknown | Only used with ‘–type PROTOBUF’. If provided, Protobuf messages may contain fields not specified in the schema. | false | |
| --print-version | Print the assigned schema version after creation. | false | |
API Connection Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Default |
-u | --url | The URL of the HiveMQ REST API endpoint. | http://localhost:8888 |
-r | --rate | The rate limit of the rest calls to the HiveMQ API endpoint in requests per second. | 1500 |
Logging Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Default |
-l | | Log to ~./mqtt-cli/logs (Configurable through ~/.mqtt-cli/ | false |
Help Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation |
-h | --help | Display help message for command. |
-V | --version | Display version information of the cli. |
Get Schema
Retrieve a single existing schema.
Simple Example
$ mqtt hivemq schema get --id my-schema-id
"arguments": {},
"createdAt": "2023-05-25T21:10:42.779Z",
"id": "my-schema-id",
"schemaDefinition": "eyAidHlwZSI6ICJvYmplY3QiIH0K",
"type": "JSON"
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Required |
-i | --id | The id of the schema to fetch. | X |
-f | --field | Select which JSON fields appear in the response. Can be specified multiple times. | |
API Connection Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Default |
-u | --url | The URL of the HiveMQ REST API endpoint. | http://localhost:8888 |
-r | --rate | The rate limit of the rest calls to the HiveMQ API endpoint in requests per second. | 1500 |
Logging Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Default |
-l | | Log to ~./mqtt-cli/logs (Configurable through ~/.mqtt-cli/ | false |
Help Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation |
-h | --help | Display help message for command. |
-V | --version | Display version information of the cli. |
List Schemas
List every schema that exists on a HiveMQ node. This list may optionally be filtered by schema id and schema type.
Simple Example
$ mqtt hivemq schema list --id schema-1
"items": [
"id": "schema-1",
"version": 1,
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T00:38:34.911Z",
"type": "JSON",
"schemaDefinition": "ewogICJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6ICJUaGlzIGlzIGFub3RoZXIgZ2VuZXJpYyBKU09OIHNjaGVtYSwgc2luY2UgaXQgcmVxdWlyZXMganVzdCBhIEpTT04sIG5vdGhpbmcgZnVydGhlciBzcGVjaWZpZWQiLAogICJ0eXBlIjogIm9iamVjdCIKfQo",
"arguments": {}
"id": "schema-1",
"version": 2,
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T09:57:55.862Z",
"type": "JSON",
"schemaDefinition": "ewogICJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6ICJUaGlzIGlzIGEgdGhlIG1vc3QgZ2VuZXJpYyBKU09OIHNjaGVtYSwgc2luY2UgaXQgcmVxdWlyZXMganVzdCBhIEpTT04sIG5vdGhpbmcgZnVydGhlciBzcGVjaWZpZWQiLAogICJ0eXBlIjogIm9iamVjdCIKfQ==",
"arguments": {}
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Required |
-i | --id | Filter by schemas with a matching schema id. Can be specified multiple times. | |
-t | --type | Filter by schemas of a matching schema type. Can be specified multiple times | |
-f | --field | Select which JSON fields appear in the response. Can be specified multiple times. | |
| --limit | Limit the maximum number of schemas returned. | |
API Connection Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Default |
-u | --url | The URL of the HiveMQ REST API endpoint. | http://localhost:8888 |
-r | --rate | The rate limit of the rest calls to the HiveMQ API endpoint in requests per second. | 1500 |
Logging Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Default |
-l | | Log to ~./mqtt-cli/logs (Configurable through ~/.mqtt-cli/ | false |
Help Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation |
-h | --help | Display help message for command. |
-V | --version | Display version information of the cli. |
Delete Schema
Delete a single existing schema.
mqtt hivemq schema delete
Simple Example
mqtt hivemq schema delete --id my-schema-id
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Required |
-i | --id | The id of the schema to be deleted. | X |
API Connection Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Default |
-u | --url | The URL of the HiveMQ REST API endpoint. | http://localhost:8888 |
-r | --rate | The rate limit of the rest calls to the HiveMQ API endpoint in requests per second. | 1500 |
Logging Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation | Default |
-l | | Log to ~./mqtt-cli/logs (Configurable through ~/.mqtt-cli/ | false |
Help Options
Option | Long Version | Explanation |
-h | --help | Display help message for command. |
-V | --version | Display version information of the cli. |