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You can connect a MQTT client without the need to provide arguments. This will use the default parameters as defined in the MQTT specification or reasonable defaults if not defined there.


The return type depends on the used MQTT version and API flavour.

    • The blocking API directly returns a Mqtt5ConnAck message if connecting was successful.

      Mqtt5ConnAck connAckMessage = client.connect();

      If connecting was not successful, it throws:

    • The asynchronous API returns a CompletableFuture which completes with a Mqtt5ConnAck message if connecting was successful.

      CompletableFuture<Mqtt5ConnAck> connAckFuture = client.connect();

      If connecting was not successful, the CompletableFuture completes exceptionally with:

    • The reactive API returns a Single which succeeds with a Mqtt5ConnAck message if connecting was successful. As the Single is a reactive type, the following line does not connect immediately but only after you subscribe to it (in terms of Reactive Streams).

      Single<Mqtt5ConnAck> connAckSingle = client.connect();

      If connecting was not successful, the Single errors with:

    ConnectionFailedExceptionif an error occurs before the Connect message could be sent
    ConnectionClosedExceptionif the connection is closed after the Connect message has been sent but before a ConnAck message has been received
    Mqtt5ConnAckExceptionif the ConnAck message contained an error code (the ConnAck message is contained in the exception)
    MqttClientStateExceptionif the client is already connecting or connected
    • The blocking API directly returns a Mqtt3ConnAck message if connecting was successful.

      Mqtt3ConnAck connAckMessage = client.connect();

      If connecting was not successful, it throws:

    • The asynchronous API returns a CompletableFuture which succeeds with a Mqtt3ConnAck message if connecting was successful.

      CompletableFuture<Mqtt3ConnAck> connAckFuture = client.connect();

      If connecting was not successful, the CompletableFuture completes exceptionally with:

    • The reactive API returns a Single which succeeds with a Mqtt3ConnAck message if connecting was successful. As the Single is a reactive type the following line does not connect immediately but only after you subscribe to it (in terms of Reactive Streams).

      Single<Mqtt3ConnAck> connAckSingle = client.connect();

      If connecting was not successful, the Single errors with:

    ConnectionFailedExceptionif an error occurs before the Connect message could be sent
    ConnectionClosedExceptionif the connection is closed after the Connect message has been sent but before a ConnAck message has been received
    Mqtt3ConnAckExceptionif the ConnAck message contained an error code (the ConnAck message is contained in the exception)
    MqttClientStateExceptionif the client is already connecting or connected

  • The rest of this section describes all possible properties of a Mqtt5Connect message. They can be set via a fluent builder API.

      • Mqtt5ConnAck connAckMessage = client.connectWith()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties which are described below
      • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties which are described below
        Mqtt5ConnAck connAckMessage = client.connect(connectMessage);
      • CompletableFuture<Mqtt5ConnAck> connAckFuture = client.connectWith()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties described below
      • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties described below
        CompletableFuture<Mqtt5ConnAck> connAckFuture = client.connect(connectMessage);
      • Single<Mqtt5ConnAck> connAckSingle = client.connectWith()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties described below
      • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties described below
        Single<Mqtt5ConnAck> connAckSingle = client.connect(connectMessage);
  • The rest of this section describes all possible properties of a Mqtt3Connect message. They can be set via a fluent builder API.

      • Mqtt3ConnAck connAckMessage = client.connectWith()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties which are described below
      • Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties which are described below
        Mqtt3ConnAck connAckMessage = client.connect(connectMessage);
      • CompletableFuture<Mqtt3ConnAck> connAckFuture = client.connectWith()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties described below
      • Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties described below
        CompletableFuture<Mqtt3ConnAck> connAckFuture = client.connect(connectMessage);
      • Single<Mqtt3ConnAck> connAckSingle = client.connectWith()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties described below
      • Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder()
                ... // here you can specify multiple properties described below
        Single<Mqtt3ConnAck> connAckSingle = client.connect(connectMessage);

  • Clean Start

    Clean start determines if the client wants to start a new “clean” session (true) or wants to resume a previous session if present (false).

    PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    • client.connectWith().cleanStart(false)...;
    • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder().cleanStart(false);

    Session Expiry Interval

    The session expiry interval is the time interval (in seconds) the session will persist when the client is disconnected.

    PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    sessionExpiryInterval[0 - 4_294_967_295]
    • client.connectWith().sessionExpiryInterval(100)...;
    • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder().sessionExpiryInterval(100);

    Session expiry can be disabled by setting it to 4_294_967_295 or using the method noSessionExpiry.

    • client.connectWith().noSessionExpiry()...;
    • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder().noSessionExpiry();
  • Clean Session

    Clean session determines if the client wants to start a new “clean” session (true) or wants to resume a previous session which will persist when the client is disconnected (false).

    PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    • client.connectWith().cleanSession(false)...;
    • Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder().cleanSession(false);

Keep Alive

The keep alive is the time interval (in seconds) in which the client sends a ping to the broker if no other MQTT packets are sent during this period of time. It is used to determine if the connection is still up.

  • PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    keepAlive[0 - 65_535]603.1.2.10
    • client.connectWith().keepAlive(30)...;
    • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder().keepAlive(30);

    Keep alive can be disabled by setting it to 0 or using the method noKeepAlive.

    • client.connectWith().noKeepAlive()...;
    • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder().noKeepAlive();
  • PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    keepAlive[0 - 65_535]603.1.2.10
    • client.connectWith().keepAlive(30)...;
    • Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder().keepAlive(30);

    Keep alive can be disabled by setting it to 0 or using the method noKeepAlive.

    • client.connectWith().noKeepAlive()...;
    • Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder().noKeepAlive();

Simple Auth (username & password)

  • PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    • client.connectWith()
    • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()

      You can also prebuild the Mqtt5SimpleAuth.

      Mqtt5SimpleAuth simpleAuth = Mqtt5SimpleAuth.builder()
      Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()
  • PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    • client.connectWith()
    • Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder()

      You can also prebuild the Mqtt3SimpleAuth.

      Mqtt3SimpleAuth simpleAuth = Mqtt3SimpleAuth.builder()
      Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder()

  • Enhanced Auth

    You need to implement an Mqtt5EnhancedAuthMechanism for enhanced auth.

    Simple and enhanced auth can be used both at the same time.

    PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    • Mqtt5EnhancedAuthMechanism myEnhancedAuthMechanism = ...
    • Mqtt5EnhancedAuthMechanism myEnhancedAuthMechanism = ...
      Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()


  • The Will publish message is also known as Last Will and Testament (LWT). It is the message that is published by the broker if the client disconnected ungracefully or with the reason code DISCONNECT_WITH_WILL_MESSAGE.

    topic is the only mandatory property for a Will publish message, all others have defaults or are optional.

    PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    willPublish.messageExpiryInterval[0 - 4_294_967_295]-
    willPublish.delayInterval[0 - 4_294_967_295]
    • client.connectWith()
                      .add("key1", "value1")
                      .add("key2", "value2")
    • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()
                      .add("key1", "value1")
                      .add("key2", "value2")

      You can also prebuild the Mqtt5WillPublish.

      Mqtt5WillPublish willPublishMessage = Mqtt5WillPublish.builder()
                  .add("key1", "value1")
                  .add("key2", "value2")
      Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()

    Message expiry can be disabled (the default) by using the method noMessageExpiry.

    All properties of a Will publish message are the same as of a normal Mqtt5Publish message with the addition of the delayInterval.

  • The Will publish message is also known as Last Will and Testament (LWT). It is the message that is published by the broker if the client disconnected ungracefully.

    topic is the only mandatory property for a Will publish message, all others have defaults or are optional.

    PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    • client.connectWith()
    • Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder()

      You can also prebuild the Will publish message.

      Mqtt3Publish willPublishMessage = Mqtt3Publish.builder()
      Mqtt3Connect connectMessage = Mqtt3Connect.builder()

    All properties of a Will publish message are the same as of a normal Mqtt3Publish message.

  • Restrictions

    You can specify broker side and client side restrictions. The ones for messages received from the broker are sent with the Mqtt5Connect message. The others for messages the client sends itself are used in conjunction with the restrictions the broker specifies in the Mqtt5ConnAck message to determine the actual client side restrictions.

    PropertyValuesDefaultMQTT Specification
    restrictions.receiveMaximum[1 - 65_535]65_5353.
    restrictions.sendMaximum[1 - 65_535]65_535-
    restrictions.maximumPacketSize[1 - 268_435_460]268_435_4603.
    restrictions.sendMaximumPacketSize[1 - 268_435_460]268_435_460-
    restrictions.topicAliasMaximum[0 - 65_535]
    restrictions.sendTopicAliasMaximum[0 - 65_535]16-
    • client.connectWith()
    • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()

      You can also prebuild the Mqtt5ConnectRestrictions.

      Mqtt5ConnectRestrictions restrictions = Mqtt5ConnectRestrictions.builder()
      Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()

  • User Properties

    User Properties are user defined name and value pairs which are sent with the Mqtt5Connect message.

    MethodValuesMQTT Specification
    userProperties.addString, String
    MqttUtf8String, MqttUtf8String
    • client.connectWith()
                  .add("name1", "value1")
                  .add(Mqtt5UserProperty.of("name2", "value2"))
    • Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()
                  .add("name1", "value1")
                  .add(Mqtt5UserProperty.of("name2", "value2"))

      You can also prebuild the Mqtt5UserProperties.

      Mqtt5UserProperties connectUserProperties = Mqtt5UserProperties.builder()
              .add("name1", "value1")
              .add(Mqtt5UserProperty.of("name2", "value2"))
      Mqtt5Connect connectMessage = Mqtt5Connect.builder()